Radicalis Structure

Radicalis has undergone design changes since the first version was made. In the original version, the pages decreased in size (horizontally and vertically) as the viewer proceeded to the book’s center. Once reaching the center the viewer had to close the book, turn it over to view the other half. In the current design the pages decrease in size horizontally only. The pages are connected to form an accordion fold structure. The viewer can proceed through the book in either direction without turning it over.



Radicalis Word Tracings

The word lines in Radicalis parallel the forward movement of the genealogies, and side collages as well as explore interconnections between word definitions. Each page spread of each side (recto and verso) of Radicalis contains one word and its definition, starting with RADICAL and ending with HARMONIZE located at the center of the book. Although each side begins and ends with the same word, the journey through the dictionary is different on each.

This element was inspired by Bonnie Gordon’s project The Anatomy of the Image Maps.

"The image-maps in this book record the progress of a decade long exploration of the content of a dictionary and a stretchable halftone photograph. The book and the picture served one another as tools for discovering their mutual underlying subject matter"--Introduction to The Anatomy of the Image Maps.

Shown here are the original gallery installation copier enlargements of the text made with a dot-matrix printer.